Mrs Campbell created a video showing some of the highlights of the 2023 Year 4 group and their trip to Taumutu Marae.
Kia ora koutou, Nau mai haere mai ki tō tātou kura. On this page, you can find out what is happening in and around our school, particularly with our Māori whānau and community. There are various kaupapa Māori (initiatives and events) happening throughout the year that celebrate and support Māori language, culture, and achievement, and we hope to share them with you on this page. If you would like to be involved with our whānau rōpu we would love to have you. You can get in touch with Joelle Nareki at to be added to more regular communications around this group
Colossians 3:16-17 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and advise one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns and songs from the spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Ngāti Moki Marae at Te Taumutu
Our school lies in the takiwā (geographic boundaries) of Te Taumutu Rūnanga, which is one of the 18 Papatipu Rūnanga of Ngāi Tahu. Aidanfield Christian School is proud to be affiliated with Te Pā o Moki (Ngāti Moki Marae) as the central marae of this takiwā. Each year, our Year 4 students visit the marae and for many, this is their first experience of being welcomed to and hosted on a marae. We are always grateful for the beautiful manaakitanga that we are shown when we visit. We look moving into the future and seeing where this partnership leads.
Tāwhiritia ngā rau kōhungahunga Bid welcome to the new growth |
Held once a week, students learn waiata, waiata-a-ringa, poi, haka and kupu. We are very blessed to have a Kapa Haka tutor who shares the same faith and is able to intertwine the two so beautifully and effortlessly, Matua Anton McLean teaches our shared faith and te ao Maori beautifully
Kapa Haka is offered to students in Year 4-10 who wish to commit for the year and attend events. There is also opportunity for our Year 2-3’s who wish to learn within school time to extend the learning that’s already taught in class.
We hold many events throughout the year within the school and in the wider community which gives our tamariki a chance to showcase all they have learnt throughout the year.
Once a term, as well as when we have groups of visitors arrive, we welcome new families to our school with a mihi whakatau. This process of welcome looks slightly different for different occasions, but will generally be opened by our kapa haka rōpu, followed by speeches, supporting waiata and an opportunity to share kai (food) together. The most important element of a mihi whakatau is to ensure that our manuhiri (visitors) are shown manaakitanga and know that they are welcome in our place.
Relevant Term Dates 2025
Term 2 Whānau Hui | Friday 16 May |
Matariki School Celebration | Thursday 19 June |
Term 3 Whānau Hui | Wednesday 30 July |
Māori Language Week (Te Wiki o te Reo Māori) | 15 – 22 September |
Term 4 Whānau Hui | Monday 13 October |
Mrs Campbell created a video showing some of the highlights of the 2023 Year 4 group and their trip to Taumutu Marae.
Aidanfield Christian School
2 Nash Road
Christchurch 8025
New Zealand
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